Thursday, February 15, 2007

Emburey on the Attack

Well, he has a point:

But if we are going to go down that route let's not stop too short of the mark; let's not let them into the country next time they turn up to play the Ashes here. That way we'll get a walk over!


Richard Bailey said...

Perfectly spiteful and nasty attitude.
Real cricket fans admire talent where ever it is found. The point Emburey misses is that English Cricket is clearly recognised as a teaching ground - a place to grow and get better. So the real question is why English cricketers don't take the same opportunities?

What an arse!

Middle & Off said...

Arse he is. English players should make the most of the situation. The trouble is that the Counties are obessed with silverware and will go to any lengths to pick it up. They should concentrate on producing international standard players instead of cherry-picking those from other nations.