Friday, January 05, 2007

Serious Stats


Australia 5
England 0


Aus 96 out of 100
Eng 59 out of 100


Aus 3,114
Eng 2,530's the rub. This says it all.

Number of runs scored for each wicket lost:

Aus 52.77
Eng 26.35

Which means that Australia were twice as good as us.


Richard Bailey said...

I think that is very revealing. Our batsmen were only 500 runs behind, whereas our bowlers were almost only half as good.
The end result is the same.

I have a long and tired rant over on Bailey Blog. You won't thank me for repeating myself here!

Middle & Off said...

The runs bit is interesting except in the light that we scored 2,530 in 10 innings (for the loss of 96 wickets), whereas the Aussies managed 3,114 in just 9, well if you look closley it was more like 7 innings and only lost 59 wickets! The end result is the same...our batsmen AND our bowlers were only half as good!!

Geoff said...

To quote my wife
"Is that all I thought they were 5 times as good"
So england weren't as bad as what we thought :-)

Middle & Off said...

They were...terrible